A “Smart” way to use Digital Story-Telling

I know it’s really fun to be playing computer games or video games. I mean you could get lost in them forever. I know I have, and that only means I have left my homework for the last minute. With technology today it’s almost impossible to get work done and I am so glad I grew up without iPads.. until I got to highschool. So I almost made it through without them. But now there is so much contraversary about kids and technology and not getting there work done in school. I know this is my personal opinion but there should be a way that kids can get the learning they need through the computar and interactively. I know there must be some lessons, or some schools that might do that but I believe it should be a regular thing. I mean, it’s not an absolute dream to see kids on the computar or ipad 24/7, but wouldn’t it be better if they were learning something from it? I think it would be beneficial to not only the kids but to the parents as well. They know that when their kids have their noses in a device they are actually learning something. Interactive games are addicting and really fun (and this is coming from an 18 year old) Imagine what it would be like if kids felt that way about their education. I think it would be a postive solution to a lot of distracting problems.

I linked below a website that I found all sorts of information on the shapes_benefits-of-DS3aeducational use of digital story telling. Here is the quote on the main page: “Digital stories help students with time management, problem solving, communication skills and interpersonal qualities such as teamwork, critical thought, information collection, data interpretation, text and image analysis, synthesis and self-evaluation” -Carmen Gregori Signes


http://www.lifelong-learner.com/ClassroomTech/images/shapes_benefits-of-DS3a.gif -Picture